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7 Benefits of using SF in your business.

Despite many different types of CRM software available, Salesforce has a number of benefits that set it apart from the rest.

Top Salesforce CRM Benefits for Businesses

1. Consistent Innovation

Salesforce core value of Innovation drives their work each day. Along with our values of Trust, Growth, and Equality by delivering powerful, innovative technology tools to all CRM customers. Salesforce has empowered them to work smarter, make decisions faster, and connect with their customers in new ways. This is achieved via Customer's feedback - listening to where they want to take their companies, driving and influencing SF innovation. SF is constantly looking at new ideas, but keeping a "beginner's mind approach", to make it simple, fast and right the first time.

2. Manage Time More Efficiently

Although it may seem more time consuming at first, especially in the early stages of adoption, SF will prove to be a monumental time-saver in the not-so-distant future. Cloud CRM systems are especially productive because field reps can update their CRM on-the-go from any mobile device. With comprehensive customer information and a wealth of planning resources at your disposal, you have all the information you need to prioritize work for your clients. In addition to the organizational tools, you can see the amount of time that you or anyone else in the company has spent on each specific account.

3. Achieve Greater Productivity

The more you know about your customers, the better you’ll be able to provide them with the kind of positive experience they really look forward to. 67% of customers say they're fine with paying more if provided with great customer experience. 57% of customers have stopped buying from a company because a competitor provided a better customer experience. You can do this by using advanced organizational technology that can not only accurately quantify and categorize data but can also make that data available across departments. SF allows you to store a vast list of customers and any important information regarding them. Access to their file is even more convenient than before, due to the cloud. This will result in less wasted time for clients and employees.

4. Improve Employee Collaboration

SF makes it possible for any employee to provide the same high level of service, by having access to the same customer data. Gone are the days when the customers had a single, main point of contact. This adds value by not having the customer wait for the preferred/assigned rep. Detailed customer information is now accessible to whoever might need it. As such, it won’t matter who it is that is currently assisting the client, because they’ll be working from the same information.

5. Gain Access to Customer Information More Effectively

And if better customer data wasn't enough, with SF being cloud-based and accessible from any device with an internet connection, communication benefits are not limited to the office. Essentially, SF is completely mobile-compatible and ensures that you have access to all functionalities at all times.

6. Increase Conversions

User error should not be the reason you cannot succeed. With a good CRM, this is no longer the case. Information is stored in one place, which leads to improved analyzing of the data as a whole. Easily integrated with different tools, you have the ability to generate automatic reports at any given time. Personalize your dashboard views to quickly locate information needed such as sales goals and performance reports to reach untapped opportunities. With better reporting data, you can make effective decisions that will result in customer loyalty and long-run profitability. SF reports show a growth of 27% in customer retention and a 39% increase in sales productivity.

7. Access Company Data from Anywhere

You surely know the adage “knowledge is power.” Today, more than ever before, this is very true. To be more accurate, we should say “Data is Power.” Hidden within your customer transactions data there's more invaluable, actionable information waiting to be identified. Sorting through that data can be very difficult unless you have access to the right cloud-computing solution. Cloud computing allows mobile access to your data via smartphones and any connected device. Considering over 2.6 billion smartphones are being used globally today, no one has reason to be left out of the loop. The same solutions that you’d expect in the office are at your disposal at trade shows, partners’ offices, customer sites, etc.

Reach out to us and find out more. Schedule a free 30-minute consultation with Ardn.

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